Saturday, August 18, 2012

Articles of the Week - August 18

The most-represented topic among my starred articles this week was the presidential election. The Chicago Tribune carried a column from Charles Krauthammer titled "The Case Against Re-election," Steve Chapman's thoughts on Paul Ryan's "Medicare realism," and Charles Madigan's take on the inherent game-changing nature of the running mate selection - and whether it will matter in 2012. Christianity Today had a thought-provoking piece by Owen Strachan, "Our American President," and a response from Judd Birdsall on the relevance of Mitt Romney's Mormonism.

Elsewhere in Christianity Today was Jasmine Young's report on a new Obama Administration focus on combating human trafficking, Melissa Steffan's report on the happiness of women with their church involvement, and a This is Our City piece by Josh Bishop about the gift of food.

Elsewhere in the Tribune was an opinion piece by Marianne Atterbury about the post-Games effect of the Olympics on London, an editorial call to learn CPR, and a reminder as the start of school approaches that school is primarily about the kids.

Also in education news was Lindsey Burke's piece in The Foundry about "More Federation Education Intervention." Elsewhere in The Foundry was Jennifer Marshall's outline of recent unfounded aggressiveness in the marriage debate.

In arts and entertainment news, Amisha Padnani discussed for The New York Times the effects of music in the workplace, and Georg Szalai noted in The Hollywood Reporter that for the first time in U.S. history, digital sales of music will surpass physical sales.

Finally, Ray Pritchard discusses the importance of sermon titles.

Also, please see my post from earlier this week, "Wheaton Family Reunions."

This is Rubio, over and out.

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