Monday, January 25, 2016

A Post for MLK Day, Intentionally Late

In the United States, Martin Luther King Jr. Day is the third Monday of January. Last week, on the third Monday of January, I took time throughout the day to read the latest articles and blog posts and essays coming through my feed about the life, legacy, and message of Martin Luther King Jr. and many related themes.

Those themes will never translate into actions and change unless we remember them on all the days other than the third Monday in January. And so today, on this fourth Monday of January, I share just two brief selections from my reading last week, for your reflection. Neither will take long to read -- unless of course you stop to think about what the words mean.

First, Joel J. Miller writes at Theology That Sticks of "Martin Luther King Jr.'s unfinished task." He reflects on a sermon King gave in Montgomery in 1956, and explores the contrast between racism and the Christian doctrine of the Imago Dei.

Second, I found a collection of "15 Martin Luther King Jr. Quotes That Will Challenge You to Take Action." Obviously, context is key and thus the next step after reviewing the list is to pursue the original sermon or speech or letter to better understand King's thinking, but the one liners in themselves can certainly provoke thought or conversation.

Was there anything you read last Monday that made you stop and think? Share a link in the comments section below.

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